Read more about wines .-/ Did you know that in the world of wine, international fairs are one of the main tools for business producores and wineries. In these places, you can learn about new trends, test strains from different countries and interiozarse new tecnilogías.
In fact, one of the most important fairs in the world’s ProWein. It takes place every year in March in the German city of Dusseldorf. The latest version included more than 6000 wineries in 50 countries attendees exceeded 52 thousand people. This fair is held every year in spring.
Fevino, it is another important fairs. It was held on 20 and April 21, 2015, in Galicia, Spain. The International Wine Fair, held every two years and is gaining importance because it has become a meeting place between wine producers, importers, distributors, winemakers and sommeliers around the world who meet to discuss and share experiences and transfer conocmientos about wine and the whole process.
In the month of May in Ciudad Real, Spain, Fenavin is performed. It is considered the most important fair in this country. On 12, 13 and 14 May is performed. It is also celebrated biannually. In this show hundreds d Spanish wineries come together, but also has the presence of thousands of visitors from both home and internationally.
A fourth fair this month and will be held in London is the London Wine Fair. Remember that the UK is one of the major wine markets in the world, so this is an important showcase for all companies exporting wine.
The London Vine Fair will be held on 18, 19 and May 20, 2015.
In June 2015, between days 14 to 18, will be held in Bordeaux, Franci, the famous Bordeaux Vinexpo. It is also a fair held every two years and has long been considered the most important fair worldwide.
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