Read more about Premium Wines in A good ham is accompanying wine. Here in CH Export Wines are some tips for selecting a wine, depending on the ham.
While the recommendation is to accompany the ham with red wine, not more experience new sensations and stimulate the senses with other combinations.
The purists claim that it is a crime to eat ham and accompany it with a soft drink, a beer or any wine. The idea is to choose a wine that will do the honor.The red varietals not very acidic and reservations are recommended to achieve a good mix with the ham.
Furthermore, the aromatic flavor of ham Jabugo make fine wines and Manzanilla are the perfect accompaniment, and accentuating the intensity and texture of the ham. Also they leave pairing perfectly with white wine with some aging.
For white pig hams, which are generally less aromatic and sweeter than the Iberians, it is best to accompany them with young reds, dry whites, who can appreciate its flavor without obscuring its texture.
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