Bulk wine by cortahojas.com.-/ The large number of varieties of wines that have emerged in recent times have left their consequences. Some strains and new varieties have gained prominence, while the classic have been losing ground. Implemenada a survey by the Chilean Association of Sommeliers raised these issues and determined the main changes and trends in the consumption of wine in Chile.
While cabernet sauvignon remains the favorite Chilean wine consumption has been decreasing in overall participation, opening up space for other strains, such as foaming, which every day increase their participation.
Meanwhile, the Carménère is one of the strains that has been growing in importance and according to the results of the survey is the second most sought ink strain by the Chileans. One that has been losing ground was the Merlot, receding into third place, and once occupied the second importance behind the cabernet sauvignon.
White wines
In this segment there is also news. The sauvignon blanc moved to chardonnay, which has historically led the preferences.
Another antecedent threw the survey is that wines with less alcohol, more fresh and less influence of wood have been gaining ground among Chileans consumiores.
The youth segment prefers this type of fresher wines, apart from wines that highlight the wood.
Sophisticated tastes
Chile’s consumer is increasingly more internalized and knowledge in wines. They are demanding higher levels of quality and dare to try other strains.
In this line, the assemblies have been increasing over time, but consumers still prefer wines having a single predominant strain.
The survey also revealed other data. For example, Chilean men in general are inclined to dry reds while women, by foaming.
In terms of consumption, in winter, Chileans elected dry red, with more body, such as Cabernet Sauvignon. And in summer, they are inclined to light reds such as Pinot Noir, white, rosé and sparkling wines.
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