Learn more about wines www.cortahojas.com.-/ Popular beliefs always have some truth. One of those certainties says that drinking wine is good for health and memory of people. Turns out there’s a study that indicates that the compound known as resveratrol has beneficial health effects.

This chemical compound is an antioxidant that is present in the skin of red grapes, peanuts, red wine and some berries and can help prevent memory decline associated with aging. This information appeared in a study by Texas A & M Health Science Center College of Medicine.

For its part, the scientific community has highlighted the potential of revesterol to prevent heart disease, but recent research suggests it also has positive effects on the hippocampus, a brain area that is critical for functions such as memory, learning and frame of mind.

After middle age, both humans and animals have decreased cognitive ability, with which these dscubrimientos could be a contribution to the treatment of memory loss in the elderly. Then it is believed that resveratrol may be able to help people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

You know, drinking wine in moderation and responsibly, you can be a good choice to prepare for these proper wear of the human body, such as memory loss.

In Corta Hojas Export Wines want to let you know issues related to wines that may be useful.