Read more Here are some useful tips so you can enjoy any wine, either red or white. In CH we have prepared a list of tips with the help of experts who will teach us to know more of Chilean wines:

-The Purchase of wine: The price of wine is not the most important. Select a wine by its high price may result in an error, since everything is a matter of taste. It is important to know that a varietal wine or booking spent three years in barrel, and can be stored between six and eight years. In the case of large reserve or premium wines can save up to 10 years.

-The Temperature is key: in the case of sparkling recommendation is to keep them from 7 to 9 ° C; champagne from 9 to 11 ° C, the (dry, pink, youth, 9-11 ° C, young red wines 14-16 ° C white, elegant reds 15-17 ° C, gran reserva red 17-19 ° C and sweet wines 13-15 ° C.

-Make Wine breathe: The decanter is not essential. If you do not have one, serves wine a drink before taking it to breathe. No need to decant all wines.

-How To store wine. The best advice is to keep it in a cellar. If you have an ideally take place humidity of 60%. This prevents the cork from drying out, and that the wine from spoiling. It is also recommended wine in a dark place, so you can last longer.

-It is also advisable to keep the wine lying natural cork and synthetic cork feet.

-The Cup: It is always advisable to drink wine by the glass. The sommeliers recommend doing the proper glass, and the aromas and flavor stand out much better.

-In The table to keep a wine on the table at 16 ° C, it is suggested to put it in a bucket with seven medium ice and water covering the bottle.


Learn more about de private label wines, bag in box wines, and Oem wines.

Corta Hojas the best chilean wines