See more / chilean bulk wines/oem wines/.- In 2014, Chilean sparkling set a new record: they grew 18.4%, reaching a record $ 17.3 million, according to the annual report of Wines of Chile.
The main destinations were Japan, Venezuela and the United Kingdom, which accounted for 60% of total shipments. By 2015, shipments are expected to keep rising.
In relation to the volume of exports, the increase was 17.4% to 454,000 boxes, which caused the average price scored an advance of 0.89%, which reached US $ 37.98 Box .
The most attractive country was Japan, whose exports of sparkling recorded a rise of 25% to US $ 7.6 million. In addition, experienced a 15% growth in wine, reaching US $ 129 million.
Chile is not a major in the world of sparkling actor, since only exports a little over 1% of all wine is shipped. As for the wine, the producers sent 8% of what is exported wine.