Cortahojas / chilean bulk wines/bag in box/.–  Expect positive news winemakers of Chile 2015. Estimates indicate that sales could grow to 15%, which would be given by the greater volume and increased the dollar.

One thing to consider is that in 2014, the dollar appreciated 15% to an average of $ 570 and firms made their calculations on a dollar to $ 500. However, more profits for 2015 are estimated, since the dollar has been a major hike and today is now $ 600.

For Pablo Corta, General Manager of Corta Hojas Export Wines , the scenario looks auspicious, but argues that “a key factor to consider is all this calculation is that it all depends on the financial stability of the international economy.” In this context, explains that the focus of Chilean producers should be in the United States because it is the country that shows greater stability and also in Brazil, whose economy is showing good numbers compared to China that is in full deceleration and Europe which is trying to get out of its current economic situation. ”

Remember, in Ch Export Wines we have different varieties of wines and different types of packages according to the needs of our customers. Bag in Box, Bulk wines, Private laber wines are some of our alternatives.

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