Learn more: www.cortahojas.com.-/ The label is a communication tool wine to be packaged. It works like a letter. Here is the message that the producer is going to transmit once the wine out of the cellar and get to the windows and shelves of any retail store or supermarket. The label is the key to attract a customer, since it is the first impression that causes … and this should be good, because not only differentiates one brand from another, but must also giving expression to wine quality .
The design of the labels is practically a tradition that goes back centuries old, and proof of this are the private collections or some museums in Europe, including the Museum of Sherry Tags nineteenth century.
The evolution of the design of the labels tell the story of wine and winery, the historical moment in which it was bottled and the eventual consumer profile.
In Corta Hojas developed special labels for our customers. We have a team of designers and developers own labels, which are manufactured each customer requirement.
We also develop customized products, changing caps, corks, labels, bottles, etc., according to the needs of each market.
Other products of Corta Hojas: private labels wines; bag in box wine, bulk wines and OEM Wines.
Learn more www.cortahojas.com