More information on–  As we approach the summer and start registering increases in temperature, white and rosé wines are taking a greater role, because they are ideal for cool evenings, meetings outdoors and terraced gardens.

White wines besides being refreshing with flavors and aromas different red wines, such as can be found aromas of grapefruit, green apples and white peaches with higher acidity and minerality. In the case of rosé simulate red fruit aromas such as grenades and raspberry with hints of caramel.

These wines are available in and are available in bulk format Wines, Bag-in-box wines, private labels Wines, Wines oem.

For wine connoisseurs these recommendations might be obvious, but for those looking for some information to accompany the meal (marriage), we suggest the following wines for summer:

The Sauvignon Blanc is recommended to serve chilled as an aperitif or serve with salads, seafood, sushi and light inputs. Also, it is well suited to take accompanying frost or hot soups such as cream of cucumber or corn.

The second proposal is the sauvignon blanc. It is also ideal to serve as an appetizer. Regarding this is an ideal pairing with seafood, Chilean oysters, ceviche, white meats, fresh salads, Asian food, shrimp, scallops and sea urchins white wine.

As for the chardonnay, this is another alternative to our table. It is an ideal white wine for a meal that includes white fish meals with cream or salad with goat cheese or blue.

Finally, we have the Rose, a wine with ubiquitous reddish in spring and summer. Served chilled to simulate red fruit aromas such as grenades and raspberry. Idal to serve as an appetizer.


More information on Bulk Wines, Bag-in-box wines, private labels Wines, oem Wines, Chilean Bulk Wines, Chilean wines.