/.- The Institute of Master of Wine‘s 8th International Symposium, which is being held in Florence from 15th to 18th May, will be the largest ever.

The Institute has confirmed that the Symposium already has over 400 delegates, from more than 30 countries, attending the event, which is open to all wine professionals with a serious interest in the future of our industry.  124 Masters of Wine will be present, which is also a new record.

This Symposium, which is being sponsored by Istituto Grandi Marchi, will be the first to be held in Italy.  The three preceding Symposia, held in France (Bordeaux, 2010), the US (Napa, 2006), and Austria (Vienna, 2002) all saw an uplift in interest in the Institute’s work and its Membership from their host countries.

The Symposium has proven an unique opportunity for wine professionals to learn from, and meet, some of the most notable figures in the wine world.  Carefully chosen wines will be served – many by their producers – at four very special tastings.  Delegates will also enjoy themed lunches and dinners, in some of Tuscany’s most spectacular venues.

Penny Richards, Executive Director of the Institute, said: “We’ve had a phenomenal response from everyone concerned.  We know the Speakers are already preparing, working on the topics which were carefully chosen by an organising committee of Masters of Wine. We know this will give a broad and fascinating perspective on the world of wine as it is today, and how it will be in the future.  Sponsors, and those providing wines and other goods and services, have been incredibly generous.  Everyone involved seems to recognise that the Symposium is a unique event.  It’s rare to find a wine conference at this level that is so inclusive, and fun, while engaging people in serious learning and debate.”

Jean-Michel Valette MW, the  Chairman of the Institute, said: “In my year and an half as Chairman, I’ve seen a real growth in the international momentum of the Institute.  The Symposium is one of the strongest manifestations of our mission to promote excellence, interaction and learning in the global wine trade.  I would urge anyone who wants to see that dynamic in action to join us for four important days in Florence.”

A few remaining tickets are still on sale until 22 April, with discounts for IMW Study Programme students, and some press.  Contact Ben McKeown, IMW Communications Manager, for further details.